Arlington Street Church, Unitarian Universalist. Gathered in Love and Service for Justice and Peace. 351 Boylston Street, Boston, MA

Steps to Membership

Unitarian Universalist churches operate under a form of governance called Congregational Polity. Basically, Congregational Polity means that the congregation runs the church. We own our own building, plan our own programs, and generally make major decisions as a congregation.

Arlington Street Church is our spiritual home. We come here to learn and grow in spirit and part of the way we grow together is by making decisions together. To choose to become a member of Arlington Street Church is to choose to become an active member of a democratic collective. The term we use for this collective of members is “The Corporation.” In addition to planning, participating and supporting the programs of the church, members take the responsibility for coming to business meetings, or Corporation Meetings, four times a year and voting on issues that determine the way this church is run.

The requirements for membership are simple:

Once you’ve met these requirements we invite you to participate in a joining ceremony that takes place during a Sunday morning worship service. While not an “official” requirement for membership, this is an important ritual, a rite of passage that symbolizes your new relationship with Arlington Street Church.

You will then be officially voted into membership at the next corporation meeting. When you are voted into membership, you officially become a member of Arlington Street Church.


Click on the image of the Membership Brochure to download a PDF

Click on the image of
the Membership Brochure
to download a PDF (152 k)