Arlington Street Church, Unitarian Universalist, (ASC) is committed to the security and confidentiality of its members' personal information. Similarly, users of ASC's website can expect the same level of security and respect for their privacy.
Database: ASC keeps a database of members, past and present, and visitors who offer their contact information. The database is secure and password protected. Information on file is used by church staff for such purposes as church mailings, annual fund-raising efforts/pledged giving, membership tracking, etc.
Sharing: Any personal information, including contact information, will not be shared, rented, or sold to any other organization for any purpose. Exception: ASC shares membership mailing addresses with the Unitarian Universalist Association.
Cookies/IP Addresses: On our web site, ASC does not collect personal information via IP addresses or cookies. Any information that is collected from you is done through forms you choose to submit.
Modify: At any time, you may update and modify your personal information on file at ASC. To do so, contact the church office
Security: ASC uses a variety of security software and technology to provide the highest level of protection possible.
Please contact the church office at, or 617-536-7050 if you have any questions about the privacy and security of your personal information.